Dog Lovers!

Jingo Steve Tillanan writes: "The cat on the firewood is my old buddy Jingo....he is 16 years old. He found me one day when I was working on a job as and electrician. He followed me all over the job that day, and of course I brought him home. He is my constant and loving companion."

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Steve Tillman's next cat in the bass drum is named Sheba. "Another foundling that showed up at our home last year, she was very scared, had had kittens (we couldn't find them) and she was very underfed. She is my wife's cat...this is not a staged photo by the way. She knocked a stuffed cat out of the way, so that she could lay down there." (the owner of the drums name is John CATanzaros)

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Tigger Steve continues: "Last, but not least....The self-proclaimed king of our home is Tigger. He is again, a foundling. My son found him dirty and bedraggled, his lip was bleeding, his whiskers had been singed, and he, I am sure, had been severly abused by someone. He is a loving cat, but only on his terms. He doesn't like to be held, but he will (when he wants to) lie down beside you and sleep."

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