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Piano Logic by Patty Carlson

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Piano Logic by Patty Carlson Patty Carlson, teacher and composer, has devised a "by the numbers" piano teaching method. Piano Logic, Carslon's third instructional video, is a 153-minute DVD that'll have you playing piano in no time by reducing the instrument's 88 keys and infinite melodies to a series of visual patterns based on the numbers one through seven. The seven primary chords are represented by sequences of numbers and simple hand movements teach these chords in arpeggiated form for both hands. Both major and minor chords in any key are taught by moving from key to key within a composition.

The whole idea behind this teaching method is to make music quickly and develop playing dexterity and technique along the way. This contravenes the traditional approach that starts with teaching repetitive keyboard exercises. This numerical approach is said to accelerate the ability to read and memorize music sooner that will enhance performance and aid composition.

Designed for ages ten years and up and recommended in addition to traditional piano lessons, Piano Logic is available on DVD for $99.95 or as a two-volume VHS set for $89.95 directly from

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