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Weiss MM-1 Mastering Maximizer

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Weiss MM-1 Mastering Maximizer
 Softube Weiss Complete Collection 

An old adage amongst mastering engineers goes something like this: "it's not how loud you make it but how you make it loud." The Softube/Weiss MM-1 Mastering Maximizer uses the same algorithms as the hardware Weiss DS1-MK3 and is my new choice when producing competitively loud sounding music. I'm not a mastering engineer and no matter what, it is always comes down to how does it sound? Of course I want my mixes at competitive loudness levels with minimal sonic cost.

Weiss MM-1 Mastering Maximizer
 Weiss MM-1 Mastering Maximizer 
The Weiss MM-1 starts with an easy-to-use Style selector and uses two processors: a compressor followed by a brick-wall limiter. The Styles are preset compressor setups (ratio, attack/release timings, knees etc.) with descriptive names like: Transparent, Loud, Punch, Wide, and De-ess.

Depending on what you're after and running a selected Style, the Amount control sets the amount of the process. I mostly like the Wide style for the stereo width it added. It and the De-ess Style both use a Mid/Side stereo compressor while the others use more conventional stereo compressors. Being able to quickly 'audition' these various compression techniques within one plugin is awesome. I use Punch and Loud styles for straight ahead stereo compressors and they sound great.

The De-ess style does limit high frequencies more and worked well on a cymbal-heavy drum loop without dulling the kick and snare too much.

After your chosen a compressor Style, next is the Limiter Gain control--a kind of compressor makeup gain before the signal is passed onto the limiter. I especially thought the drop-down menu for the Output Trim excellent to set the final output for different industry delivery standards such as: -0.1, -0.3 or -1dBFS. Of course you may set any level between -0.1 and -1.0 dBFS using the continuous variable Output Trim fader.

I'm now replacing the limiter plugin in my stereo mix bus chain with the Softube Weiss MM-1. I'm finding this a fast and effective tool that sounds awesome and is also great for other uses in my mixing sessions.

I'm finding MM-1 a fast and effective tool that sounds awesome and is all part of The Softube/Weiss Complete Collection authorized by Weiss Engineering and Daniel Weiss. The whole collection sells for $999 MSRP or purchase just the MM-1 at $199 MSRP.

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