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Sonic Implants GigaSampler Sounds
by Jack Conrad
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Sonic Implants has just released two new collections of samples formatted for NemeSys Music Technology's GigaSampler. They are "Afro-Cuban Percussion" and "Drums Series 1". This company has long been the producers and purveyors of samples and sounds for the Kurzweil, Akai, Roland and EMU units. Responding to numerous requests from GigaSampler owners (who allegedly were so desperate to get these great sounds they were using the downloadable MP3 demo files), Sonic turns its attention to the hungry hoard with these first two offerings. All the sounds come in close-miked and more ambient versions and are multi-sampled with a variety of attacks and velocities.

When I first loaded these drums into my GigaSampler, I immediately noticed the nice, musician-friendly key mapping features such as two keys for the bass and snare drums making rolls not only easy, but also more dynamically expressive. This is something I usually set up for myself...having never quite perfected the one-piano-key drum roll. It's a nice touch not to spend time editing a new toy right out of the box.

The "Drum Series 1" was recorded using a custom 13-drum Yamaha kit. The complete "Giga Blue Jay Drums" library includes; Blue Jay Large Ambience 1 and 2, Blue Jay Small Ambience 1 and 2, and Blue Jay Loose. The bass drums and cymbals in this series are especially awesome and I put the large ambience kit up with a rockin' track I had on hand and it just kicked azz! "The Giga Session Drums" were recorded at Wellspring Studios and features "the best Brush Drumkit" my drummer buddy has ever heard. Kicks, Snares, Cymbals and Session Drums 1 and 2 round out the collection.

The really cool thing about Sonic Implants is that you can audition these sounds by downloading MP3 demo files from their Web site and then buy either the entire library, "Drum Series 1" or any parts that interests you. This lets you build your own custom collection instead of buying a lot of less useful sounds just get to a few goodies.

"Afro-Cuban Percussion" includes: Afoxe, Agogo, Ankle Bells, Caxixi, Cha Cha Bell, Clave, Cowbell Hi, Cowbell Low, Cowbell Mid, Frogs Eggs, Guiro Cuban, Guiro Meringue, Large Basket, Maracas, Reco Reco, Samba Whistles and Sencero. The "Hand Drums" section gives you: Birimbou, Bongo, Conga, Conga Quinto, Conga Secundo, Conga Tumbadora, Cuica, Finger Snaps, Pandeiro and Vibraslap. "Stick Drums" includes: Jam Blocks, Repenique, Surdu Bombo Felt, Surdu Bombo Wood, Surdu Cortador, Surdu Macana, Tamborim, Timbales and Timbalitos.

Both these collections offers a large palate of expressive colors, multiple samples and the intelligent key mapping facilitate natural dynamic articulation. There are a lot of interesting sounds here to spur the imagination towards combinations of instruments and rhythms that might not ordinarily occur to you.

Prices are: Drum Series 1 $199, Afro/Cuban Percussion $99, Mellotron & Arp String Boxes $69, Amps & Pickups $149. For much more contact Sonic Implants at Sonic Network, Inc and Hruska Audio Productions, Inc. 781-641-0063 FAX 781-641-0448. Check out their web site at:

Jack Conrad, bass-playing former touring member of The Doors and The Beach Boys bands, ex-studio musician and co-writer of three top ten hits with cuts by The Babys, Heart and Three Dog Night.

Edited by: Barry Rudolph
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