The Micro Synthesizer allows a guitarist to make some of the same sounds as the Moog Synthesizer. The Voice Mixer lets you use and mix together four different sound sources for processing by this Moog-like filter: the sound of your guitar; an octave above; an octave below; and square waves. The Filter Sweep controls include: Resonance, Start Frequency, Stop Frequency and the Rate of Sweep. (How fast) Speaking of time, there is an Attack Delay slider that determines the time required for the voice signals to reach full volume.
The whole system works dynamically to how hard or loud you play so the Trigger slider adjusts the sensitivity of the filter enabling you to play heavily filtered leads and then switch to softer, unfiltered chords without switching the unit in and out...a good feature I reckon! The Micro Synthesizer sells for $358 retail and for much more about it, you can contact New Sensor Corporation at 20 Cooper Square, New York, NY 10003 or call them at 212-529-0466 or 800-633-5477 or FAX at 212-529-0486 or E-mail to: or Web to: