
Active Retrofit Onboard Preamp from Raven Labs
by Barry Rudolph

Active Retrofit Onboard Preamp from Raven Labs The PBR-1 Active Retrofit Onboard Preamp is an active pre-amp for Fender Precision bass guitars. The system is installed without any carpentry modification to the instrument or to the electronics cavity or that classic pickguard. Raven Labs guarantees to preserve the instrument's original sound--only adding the advantages of an active circuit. You'll get greater tonal flexibility, a hotter output signal, low output impedance that eliminates tone changes due to loading effects of different amps and/or DI boxes. Control functions remain the same as the original instrument but the Volume control gives up to two times the standard output. The Tone knob boosts the bass in one direction while cutting the high end. Turning the knob the other direction boosts the treble while cutting the low end.

Powered by two lithium cell batteries (included), the PBR-1 Active Retrofit Onboard Preamp runs for about 300 hours. Pretty easy to install yourself by simply unsoldering and removing the old controls and jack and then installing and soldering the one-piece electronic assembly. Selling for $120 MSRP, the PBR-1 is from Raven Labs. Telephone them at 818-368-2400. Web to www.raven-labs.com

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