The A. (For Avedis) Custom Medium Rides are said to have extremely clear stick definition, shimmering spread with the bell possessing a unique cutting power. The A. Custom Medium Rides are available in 20, 21, and 22-inch sizes and all in Brilliant Finish. It has been 10 years since the introduction of the A. Customs and they were developed in conjunction with drummer Vinnie Colaiuta. The A. Custom cymbal range uses radical rotary hammering techniques, thin weights and a striking brilliant finish for a crisp and sweet, sophisticated A. Zildjian sound that's not too dark or too bright.
Prices are $346, $380 and $414 respectively for the new A. Custom Medium Rides. If you would like more information you should contact Avedis Zildjian Company at 22 Longwater Drive, Norwell, MA 02061. WEB at: