Roy Buchanan/Stanley Clarke

These guys are together on this link because I met and worked with both of them on the same record. Clarke was the producer on Roy's album. We worked at a now-defunct studio called Clover in Hollywood. Roy had lost most of his hair due to methedrine abuse and seemed mostly unaware of everything around him. Clarke would yell over the talkback: "Ready! Roy!?" Buchanan would start playing and the band would catch up. It would take a couple of measures for anybody to figure out what time signature and key Roy was playing in. Buchanan was later (1988) found dead, hanging by his own belt, in a Virginia drunk tank...under suspicious circumstances. (whew!)

Another thing I recall is that the bass player on the sessions, Dennis Parker, was extremely intimidated by Clarke's presence. When Stanley wanted a particular bass line, he would suggest a certain fingering to Dennis. At one point he wanted to demonstrate the fingering himself. Dennis stood up and quickly handed his bass to Stanley and said: "here take it!...take it! Please! "

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